Definition: Connecting victims of crime and others impacted by violence and/or crime to appropriate resources.
Goal: Respond, as appropriate, to requests for information, assistance, and/or referrals related to hurt, harm or crimes specific to the individual’s needs. Programs will make “warm referrals” based on the self-identified needs of the individual. With the consent of the individual being supported, programs will gather resource information and relay it back to the individual OR connect and share information with resources and coordinate contact with the individual.
Direct Service Activities: Assist individual/client in identifying and prioritizing their self-determined needs ∙ Provide information about available resources/support and assistance ∙ Make a warm referral: Assess with the individual how they would like to engage with the identified resource and what information they would like or not like shared (consent to release information). ∙ Based on an individual's preference ∙ Program will reach out to identified resources, assess information, and share individuals’ contact information if requested. ∙ Program will relay information back to individual per individual’s request.
Goal: Respond, as appropriate, to requests for information, assistance, and/or referrals related to hurt, harm or crimes specific to the individual’s needs. Programs will make “warm referrals” based on the self-identified needs of the individual. With the consent of the individual being supported, programs will gather resource information and relay it back to the individual OR connect and share information with resources and coordinate contact with the individual.
Direct Service Activities: Assist individual/client in identifying and prioritizing their self-determined needs ∙ Provide information about available resources/support and assistance ∙ Make a warm referral: Assess with the individual how they would like to engage with the identified resource and what information they would like or not like shared (consent to release information). ∙ Based on an individual's preference ∙ Program will reach out to identified resources, assess information, and share individuals’ contact information if requested. ∙ Program will relay information back to individual per individual’s request.